Patrin Films Sustainability and Environmental Policy
Patrin Films Ltd. is committed to an environmentally sustainable media production industry. We want to be a responsible and reputable company in every respect, by being an agent for change embedding sustainability into everyday working practices.
This policy will cover how we aim to achieve our sustainability goals, from development through to production and within our day-to-day working practices.
This policy is an ongoing working document. It is our aim to continually assess our environmental footprint, adapt to ongoing changes and improve our impact indefinitely.
Our Sustainable Production Principals
As content makers, we believe we have a responsibility to educate and inform our staff and audience to think more sustainably. We want to better understand and manage our impact, implementing initiatives to lower carbon emissions generated by our output, without affecting its quality.
We have signed up to ‘albert’,, the UK television industry’s carbon calculator.
By using Albert at the start of each production process, to predict the expected carbon footprint, a production team can highlight opportunities for improvement and take steps throughout to lower the actual carbon footprint – thereby reducing the impact on the environment.
We shall be using albert certification, a practical companion tool to Albert which gives production teams a structure to guide and focus their efforts towards reducing environmental impacts, with points awarded for positive actions.
Staff are expected at all times to engage with the albert scheme and initiatives and act responsibly with respect to waste management and other environmental practices.
Key Sustainability Standards
We will act on our opportunity to make a meaningful difference, tackling practical, day-to-day challenges (such as reducing, re-using or recycling all our waste)
Offering sustainability training to all stakeholders through BAFTA albert’s free training schemes
Offsetting the unavoidable elements of your carbon footprint (i.e. travel)
Operating a zero-to-landfill policy across all operations (offices and productions)
Sustainable Development Process
We are committed to following the principles of the Climate Content Pledge
As part of our development process, a formal conversation takes place about how environmental concerns can be considered or reflected in the editorial content
We regularly share relevant industry and audience insights and developing relevant metrics with our team to keep on top of the changing climate landscape
We recognise the importance of fair and balanced representations of visions for a sustainable future.
We communicate regularly with our colleagues, partners, and audiences so that we can all play our part in meeting this shared challenge
We ensure that our efforts are informed by science
Sustainable Production Process
We regularly research what other productions have done to minimise their carbon footprint
We keep the list of green suppliers up to date.
We act on spreading sustainable values through the production supply chain
Ensure that all of productions comply with relevant environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
Follow best practices for sustainable production by procuring sustainable goods and services
Production Sustainability Checklist
This is an ongoing list which will be updated regularly.
Have any of the production staff or crew attended or will attend the albert training?
Will everyone on the production (i.e. cast, onscreen, HOD’s, crew) be sent a ‘green memo’ prior to filming, to make them aware of the production’s environmental goals? (Minimum once annually for continuing programmes)
How have you ensured that any substantial on-screen components of this programme are not normalising unsustainable behaviour? )Please send this question to a senior member of the editorial team to answer.)
Is mains power in production used from a 100% renewable sourced energy tariff?
Is there a zero-waste to landfill policy?
Will the set build be donated, recycled or reused after the end of the production (i.e. not sent to landfill)?
Are you encouraging your crew to choose vegetarian or vegan options?
Has the production used significant local crew if shooting away from the main production base or city in order to reduce travel and accommodation costs?
Have you chosen a taxi company that only uses low-carbon emitting vehicles? (i.e. hybrids, electrics)
Does the accommodation use electricity from a 100% renewable energy source?
Will the production offset its emissions (calculated from the albert calculator)?
We aspires to:
Work with suppliers who work sustainably and practice the same principals we aim to achieve.
Put sustainability questions to all suppliers before contracting with them and ensuring they can meet your environmental needs
Green Memo
All productions are required to issue a Green Memo to all cast and crew. Each memo should be tailored to specific productions.
Lisa Smith will be responsible for monitoring our progress and reviewing these aims. The next review date will be [04/10/2025].
Signed by
Lisa Smith